Category Archives: computer

Menghilangkan Logo Genuine Pada XP

Menghilangkan Windows Genuine Advance
Buka Task Manager dengan menekan “Ctrl+Alt+Del”
Matikan proses yang bernama “wgatray.exe”
Restart computer dan masuklah ke dalam Safe Mode (tekan F8)
Pada Safe Mode, buka registry editor dengan cara klik Start \\ Run. Ketik “regedit” kemudian ENTER
Pada regedit, carilah: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
Kemudian klik kanan Delete folder/directory “WGALOGON”
Restart kembali komputer tereng maka sudah hilang logo WGA nya deh

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Posted by on February 23, 2011 in computer


Membuat Antivirus Dengan Notepad… ^_^

Membuat antivirus dari notepad

scriptnye begini :

@echo off

echo matiin proses virus_Nye
taskkill /F /IM namavirus1.exe /IM namavirus2.exe
echo apus Semua virus_Nye berdasarkan ukuran
for /R C:\ %%a in (*.exe) do if %%~za equ 157184 del /A: H S R A “%%a”
echo apus virus yang Nyamar
echo untuk drive c N subfolder_Nye
for /R C:\ %%a in (*.doc.exe) do del “%%a”
echo untuk drive d N subfolder_Nye
for /R D:\ %%a in (*.doc.exe) do del “%%a”
echo Ngembaliin Document yang diHidden
cd /d c:\
echo untuk drive C N subfolder_Nye
attrib *.doc -H -S -A /S
cd /d d:\
echo untuk drive D N subfolder_Nye
attrib *.doc -H -S -A /S

Terus simpan script tersebut dengan nama HackerDjail.bat

sumber :


How To Easily Find Computer Drivers

How To Easily Find Computer Deriver
Filed under: Uncategorized by sejenismakanan – Leave a comment
July 2, 2010

Ribet Sometimes computers are also looking for drivers instalan which if not detected in the device manager, but there are simple ways to find premises easy to try to do this:

1. Click My Computer> Propertie
2. Select hadware tab> Device Manager
3. Right-click on drivers who do not recognize or symbols? yellow,
4. then select properties> select tab detail

Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on July 9, 2010 in computer